I wonder when I come to see many people saying that they are/were weak in Mathematics. During my decades of teaching Mathematics career, I have come across many students with Maths Phobia. I have seen people cursing Mathematics like anything. 

This is really very painful to me to see my ‘first love’ with a universally bad name!!!

Who is responsible for this ‘myth’ that Mathematics is a difficult subject? It’s only your Maths guide in the early phase of your education who made things complicated for you. You too are responsible for this mess as you didn’t try to explore this beautiful subject yourself but just relied upon the ‘universal myth’. 

Believe me, Mathematics is a much easier subject than many others. We just need to see Maths with a different  perspective. 

Please wait for my next blog where I will guide you how to approach a Mathematical problem. You will develop into not only a good Mathematician but this thinking approach will help you to solve your day to day life problems systematically  too – after all there is no life without Mathematics. 

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